Paris, everyone knows, should be walked around. There is nothing better than wandering around the city, not caring too much about having a specific destination. You may decide to go take a look at La Défense, the most modern of the city's neighborhoods, or visit the old neighborhoods, such as Saint-Germain-des-Prés in the 6th arrondissement....
They don't care about you, but you scrutinize them, make comments about their attire, the little dog they are carrying on a leash, the latest Chanel or Louis Vuitton handbag that the Parisians are sporting with unparalleled grace. Often the terrasses are actual rooms protected by glass windows or transparent plastic walls. This is generally the case for brasseries, restaurants, and bistros. And, for those who don't know, the word bistrot, which is very common in France and even more so in Paris, apparently comes from the Russian word "bystro" (быстро) meaning "quickly," "in a hurry."
Sembra infatti che durante l\'occupazione russa di Parigi (1814-1818) i soldati russi a cui era vietato bere alcolici, quando si recavano in uno spaccio e chiedevano un bicchiere di vino o di acquavite, temendo che qualche ufficiale di passaggio li scoprisse, chiedevano all\'oste di essere serviti rapidamente: “bystro, bystro!”.
In fact, it seems that during the Russian occupation of Paris (1814-1818) Russian soldiers who were forbidden to drink alcohol, when they went to a commissary and asked for a glass of wine or brandy, fearing that some passing officer would discover them, would ask the innkeeper to be served quickly: "bystro, bystro!"
That's how the word became the name of those places where one is quickly refreshed: bistros, indeed!