Are you coming on vacation to Paris, and would you like to win over a local prince charming? To figure out how to please a French man, the first thing to do is to know what he likes in a woman. Generally speaking, French men like women ...
... the French like women who are interesting and very feminine (numerous studies confirm that -- on a first date -- they immediately go for eyes, then mouth and smile, and finally breasts, then hair and weight). As for fashion, they have rather classic tastes.
THE LOUBOUTIN SPLIT HEEL SHOES: 100% of men like them, but on the condition that the woman has a hips-like gait but without swaying too much, and then that no patches are visible sticking out!
THE GOURMAND GIRLS: 100% of men like the "Glutton," who licks her fingers... 0% (i.e., none!) of men like the woman who says, "Thanks, but I'm on a diet," even when in a restaurant.
THE "SECRETARY" STYLE: 80% of men are crazy about it!
SHORT AND LIMITED NAILS: 100% of men like them a lot, and think that short, well-groomed nails are much better than long nails.
THE EYELINER: 100% of men like it, and find it looks very sexy.
THE CLASSIC PONY TAIL HAIR: 100% yes, but not for every day!
BATHING SUIT: 90% of men prefer the 2-piece bathing suit.
THE "PETIT BATEAU" CULOTTE: 90% of men like it very much, provided that every now and then the woman changes the type of undergarments.
THE TRECKS: 80% of men are crazy about them: the ghost of the schoolgirl shows up!
THE LIBERTY: 70% of men like it. A sign that the "pretty peasant girl" style always works, but in small doses.
THE HIGH WAIST: 70% of men like the revival of femininity, with high-waisted dresses...
NATURAL TRUCK (OR NUDE LOOK): 60 percent of men like it.
THE HIGH WAIST CULOTTE: 60% of men really like the sexy, retro pin-up side!
SHORTS AND LEATHER PANTS: 20 percent of men like them.
THE "INDIAN" BOOTS: only 20% of men like them, although these boots make a little too much Pocahontas.
THE "PESTO EYE" EFFECT: 40% of men like them, but as long as the makeup does not give too "gothic" an effect.
THE PANTHER LOOK: 40% of men like a woman who is "fresh" and "with curves in the right place."
THE "SPORTSWEAR" STYLE: 30% of men like women who dress like this, as long as they do it very gracefully. However, they prefer their women to dress like this when they are at home.
THE SHORT HAIR CUT: 30% of men accept this style, only if the woman's face shape fits it.
THE PUSH UP BRA: only 20% of men really like it, because, in fact, according to them, underneath... there is makeup. They prefer nice breasts, big or small!
LE SCARPE CON LE ZEPPE: il 100% degli uomini dicono di non gradire questo tipo di scarpa: assolutamente priva di eleganza.
LE UNGHIE FLUO: al 100% degli uomini non piace lo stile delle unghie fluo, secondo loro troppo appariscenti. Al 20% piace la fantasia, ma con moderazione!
GLI STIVALI IMBOTTITI: sono assolutamente da vietare, secondo il 100% degli uomini.
I COLORI PASTELLO: l’80% degli uomini è contrario alle tinte pastello: vanno bene solo per la propria nonna.
LA DONNA COMPLIMENTOSA: l’85% degli uomini non si fida delle donne che fanno complimenti a rotta di collo! Il 15% degli uomini si fida, e ammette di accettare i complimenti.
IL PERIZOMA: al 90% degli uomini non piace questo tipo di intimo.